Why IT Employees suffer the most burnout 🥵like no other and brings them to the point of collapse ❤️‍🩹

Why IT Employees suffer the most burnout 🥵like no other and brings them to the point of collapse ❤️‍🩹

A few Confessions

I am burning out. There is so much to keep myself updated with and I am not able to keep up. I have to work and then go back home to a certification to be able to go back home the next day.

I can be home and not be at home coz my mind is at work.

My eyes suffer from prolonged expose to the screen.

They say that security never sleeps, but doesn't science say that we as human beings need sleep.

Traffic, sleep, healthy eating, gym, cardio, family, certifications and metabolism. What all do you want me to manage?

There is no such thing as balance, you have to sacrifice one over the other.

I end up looking like a geek or a zombie rather than macho.

Yet I have to accept being a mediocre in Life

what is the solution?

Create your Digital Garden, what you are reading now is My Digital Garden.

I can't stop thinking about not watering the plants.

Have you created a Digital Garden Yet?

You can easily create one by learning something and then turning around and teaching it

Do not keep consuming without producing.

Sources that you can use are: YouTube videos, podcasts, books etc

Consuming should be like breathing in and then add your stuff to it and then breathe out: produce.

the key is not to produce a master piece but produce your first few pieces from where this garden will begin.

It doesn‘t starts with the tree does it?

all we want are small feeble plants

You can’t plant a tree alone. Don’t try either. stick to what you can do